Monday, July 30, 2012

Triablogue: Why Miracles Aren't More Documented

Triablogue: Why Miracles Aren't More Documented

Rationalism for that more abundant life!

 We rationalists take seriously the role of reason to get to that more abundant life. Unconfirmed intuitions, revelations, miracles and such are obstacles to that life. At best, they're placebos.
  We do not make a goddess out of reason1 Reason must operate with empiricism, or else people build deductions upon deductions that so distort the facts as libertarianism does. It must be an honest  empiricism, not one that takes quotes out of contexts and such. It must not take any sacred literature as true and then go from there: we full skeptics insist on applying reason to religion.
 Ti's sweet reason, not that unemotional one of Mr. Spock!
 Here I disagree with David Hume who  contends that reason should be the servant of the passions: I think that they interact for that more abundant life!
   Nature gave us Reason adapted to our environments , such that by trial and error we learn to trust and - mistrust our faculties. Nature guarantees no truths except as we find them, inter-subjectively and with instruments at times. So, Alvin Plantinga's argument from reason utterly fails as the self-refutation of naturalism.Hie cannot claim that God vouches for our faculties! That as Carneades' atelic argument notes, begs the question of directed  outcomes! Does he allege perhaps that as he does with the problem of evil that perhaps demons have something to do with natural evils? Why should he not then  call for exorcisms!